Tuesday, 8 November 2016

What if we podcastified our PD?

How do we make our learning audible?

This past weekend, the Dover Campus hosted an annual iPad conference (see  via Twitter for more).

In the second episode of 'Podcast UWCLearn' Keri-Lee and Dave reflect on their learning experiences and offer their thoughts on where to next.

This post hosts that episode with two agendas:

1. Learn more about the iPad conference and think about ways to follow up with Keri-Lee or Dave.

2. Think about using Podcast UWCLearn as a way to follow up on your PD experiences this year. If you are interested in asking a coach to guide you through that conversation, we are happy to do so. If you have a learning experience you want 'podcastified,' please let a DLC know and we will schedule the chat. Could this be a better way to share our learning with the broader community?

Featured in this episode are:

Pana Asavavatana


The link to her teddy bear project is here.

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