Thursday, 15 August 2013

Getting Started with your Class Google Site

This year, each class has been set up with its own Google Site. The purpose is to keep our parents informed about specific goings on in each class, and to host weekly homework.

Below is a screencast showing how to navigate to and get started with your class Google Site.

Each grade has been set up with a grade level page accessible from the school website (

1.  Log in to the school website and click on the East Learning (Note: The left hand side of the icon)

2. Select Infant or Junior as needed

3. Select your grade level

4. This will take you to your grade level page which the parents of your students will see. (Here is an example from grade 3)

5. In the sidebar on the left there are links to information about your grade (Academics, Activities, Outdoor education, Personal and Social Education, Service and Announcements).

6. To go to your personal page, click on your picture.

7. Once in your personal page click on "New Post"

8. Change the Title of the post from "Untitled Post" to the week and date of your post (eg. Week 1 - August 19-23)

*NOTE - at this moment when you type in the title of the post, you can't see what you type. To work around this, type the title you would like in the body of the post and copy and paste it in the title. See the video at the top of this page for an example.

9.  Write what you would like to share with the parents in the space below your title.

10. If you would like to add pictures into your post, put your cursor where you would like to put your picture and select Insert > Image from the menu bar.

11. Click on Choose File.
12. Find your image and select Open.

13. Another dialogue box will open. Click on the picture so it is highlighted and select Ok.

14. The image may display in your post as a different size than you would like it to be. 

To change the size, locate the popover display bar. To the right of the word "Image" you have options to place your image left, center or right of your page. 

Beside that you can select the size of the image as small (S), medium (M) or large (L). Select the size that you would like for your post.

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