Google Apps for Education Summit
SAS, Singapore
6 & 7th September 2014
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers & Administrators
This two day event focuses on deploying, integrating, and using Google Apps for Education and other Google Tools to promote student learning in K-12 and higher education. Do check the pre-summit offerings as well, for topics such as Google for iOS, Google Geo Teachers Institute and Google Certified Teacher Bootcamp.
ISKL, Kuala Lumpur
26th & 27th September 2014
Target Audience: K-5 Teachers
- Integrate iPads into Early Years and Upper Elementary learning programs
- Become fluent in and teach several iPad applications
- Engage young students in meaningful learning using the iPad
- Understand how to assemble a "starter kit" of iPad applications that will satisfy Tech Integration standards at your school
- Manage iPad imaging and handling
NIST, Bangkok
2nd - 4th October 2014
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers & Administrators
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers & Administrators
Learning 2.014 is a conference with a unique format. It has Extended Sessions (3 hour deep dives into an area of your interest), Cohort Sessions (where you meet with others in a job-alike session), Workshops (45 minute sessions on a huge range of topics) and Unconference sessions (which unfold over the conference). There is a pre-conference, which you may wish to consider as well.
Hong Kong
12th - 13th December 2014
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers & Administrators
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers & Administrators
Please talk to your friendly Digital Literacy Coach if you would like more details!
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