Monday, 26 May 2014

Great PD Offerings for Digital Literacy

We are excited to inform you about some wonderful opportunities for professional development in Digital Literacy that are coming up this year. Please see below regarding details, and remember to fill in a Professional Development Application Form should you wish to be considered.


Google Apps for Education Summit  
SAS, Singapore
6 & 7th September 2014
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers & Administrators

This two day event focuses on deploying, integrating, and using Google Apps for Education and other Google Tools to promote student learning in K-12 and higher education. Do check the pre-summit offerings as well, for topics such as Google for iOS, Google Geo Teachers Institute and Google Certified Teacher Bootcamp.
ISKL, Kuala Lumpur
26th & 27th September 2014
Target Audience: K-5 Teachers

The conference will provide participants with skills to:
  • Integrate iPads into Early Years and Upper Elementary learning programs 
  • Become fluent in and teach several iPad applications
  • Engage young students in meaningful learning using the iPad
  • Understand how to assemble a "starter kit" of iPad applications that will satisfy Tech Integration standards at your school
  • Manage iPad imaging and handling


NIST, Bangkok
2nd - 4th October 2014
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers & Administrators

This year’s theme at Learning 2.0 Asia is Empowering Community. From encouraging student entrepreneurship to helping parents in this time of constant connection; from creating a community of empowered teachers to connecting with the nontraditional student, this year’s conference promises to help you Empower Community in your classroom and in your school.

Learning 2.014 is a conference with a unique format. It has Extended Sessions (3 hour deep dives into an area of your interest), Cohort Sessions (where you meet with others in a job-alike session), Workshops (45 minute sessions on a huge range of topics) and Unconference sessions (which unfold over the conference). There is a pre-conference, which you may wish to consider as well.


Hong Kong
12th - 13th December 2014
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers & Administrators

At the 21st Century Learning Conference, there is something for all educators. The annual conference, now in its 7th Year brings together a diverse world class line up of keynote and featured presenters to network and learn together about how to most effectively use technology in education.

Please talk to your friendly Digital Literacy Coach if you would like more details!

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