20 new kits at the ready |
Every student in an IBDP Group Four subject (Sciences, ESS, & DT) participates in the G4 Project. Grade 11 students work together in trans-disciplinary teams on projects around a common theme that emphasizes process, ethical, environmental, and social implications of science and technology. This year, 260 students will work in teams to design BreakoutEDU challenges that can be used as a learning resource by students.
Happy Science teachers solved the challenge! |
Next, the the Digital Literacy Coaches led teachers through a discussion about the design process for students which involves identifying a theme, research, puzzle creation, and linking puzzles together. Once the game flow is establish and narrative story giving context to the game is established. Finally, the game is tested and adjusted based on feedback from players and observations by the designer.
Teachers ended the session by discussing potential pitfalls they might encounter during the design process with students, listed questions they still had, and generated ideas for themes.
The process with students will take place over one period followed by two full days when students are off timetable. Each teacher will facilitate the Cholera Breakout challenge with a group of around 15 students. Playing the game will give them an introduction to the BreakoutEDU concept and expose them to some of the different types of puzzles that are used.
Next, students will work through the game designed process as a team to create a breakout challenge, test it, and reflect on their learning. Stay tuned for updates!